Curator Evolve Shaman

Class: Shaman - Format: kraken - Type: midrange - Season: season-32 - Style: ladder

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This is a new take on Evolution Shaman, a deck that didn´t quite get the love it deserves due to previously Aggro Shaman and now MidRange Shaman dominating the meta.

The Curator actually fits pretty well:

Pantry Spider and Azure Drake have always been core-cards in almost every version of Evolution Shaman. Bilefin Tidehunter helps in the early game and also  synergises well with evolve. Corrupted Seer is usually a very unexpected boardclean and a great target for Master of Evolution. Volcanic Drake works really great in regular Evolve Shamans, but also profits from the many AoE-effects.

Generally speaking, this deck is greedier than most other currently played Evolve Shamans, but it also has an insane amount of value. At the Moment, I have not included any of the upcoming MSoG-cards like Doppelgangster or Big-Time Racketeer, because we haven´t seen a single shaman card. Once either most or all Cards have been shown, I´ll update this list.  

Edit: The rest of the set´s cards have been revealed and with Lotus Illusionist we got a truely great fit. After attacking the enemy hero, she basically evolves herself TWICE with no need for the 2×2 activators you´ve got. Of course, you don´t want to evolve her, but I think it shouldn´t be too difficult to play around that by keeping her alive a turn to trigger the effect. She also has a fair body, can be played effectively on curve and trades into a decent amount of small minions. 

Dopplegangster has great potential with Evolve, since both copies also cost 5 Mana. The value is truely insane, but you have to get an evolve on him, for him to be any good.

Big-Time Racketeer didn´t make the cut, since it only really makes sense with the Master of Evolution. This combo is only good if you play both cards at one turn, because a 1/1 will rarely survive.

I added Brann, because he synergises amazingly with all of the Battlecry-Minions.

I also took both Murlocs from the list. I am guessing that Tidehunter won´t be necessary in MSoG´s early Meta, because mostly more late-game oriented archetyps were supported or introduced. The Corrupted Seer proved to be unnecessary since you have gotten more than enough AoE effects. The Volcanic Drake is usually sitting in your hand for too long of a time, so he is rarely worth it and I consider him as being worse than the Nerubian Prophet. To make room, unfortunatally one Fire Elemental had to go, but he might find his way back into this list.

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