General Mulligans
Ancient watcher is always a good keep
From MSoG, always keep even 2 mitresses of mixtures. Also, keep Kabal courter always.
Changes for MSoG: +2 Mistress of Mixtures, -1 Refreshment Vendor. -1 Acidic Swamp Ooze better vs aggro, N'Zoth, The Corruptor value, better stats and is cheaper. Refreshment Vendor is better in Lord Jaraxxus mode. Also, maybe +1 Kabal Courter -1 Shadow Bolt because Shadow Bolt is a 3 drop but it doesn’t discover. It is great turn 3 and you can discover entomb shadow word pain shadow word death polymorph and a whole lot more.
This deck is teched to beat tempo mage, druid, warrior and shaman.
Vs mage: Ancient Watcher, Shadow Bolt, Spellbreaker, Hellfire, Earthen Ring Farseer, Refreshment Vendor and Twilight Drake help,
Vs druid, Ancient Watcher, Mountain Giant, Corrupted Healbot, Sylvanas Windrunner, Shadow Bolt are useful.
Vs warrior, Ancient Watcher, Mountain Giant, Corrupted Healbot and Acidic Swamp Ooze, Lord Jaraxxus are useful
Vs shaman, Ancient Watcher, Hellfire, Acidic Swamp Ooze Spellbreaker,