OTK Spell Damage Totem Shaman

Class: Shaman - Format: kraken - Season: season-31 - Style: ladder

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    Hey guys, this deck is a different take on the traditional ways that shaman is usually built. This deck focuses on spell damage to support it's relatively large amount of removal, and it's spirit claws. The 0 mana spells in the deck also combo with early wicked witchdoctor plays along with primal fusion for very strong early turns.

    So as you may have noticed I consider this deck OTK. You wouldn’t think so, other than bloodlust, until you saw just how much a turn 7 thunderbluff hero power with the amount of totems that are usually out can do.

    You can pretty easily keep totems coming with your wicked witchdoctor, and your totemic might really helps their ability to stay out there. There have been plenty of times when I’ve had out a turn 3 mana tide and then used wicked witchdoctor followed by coin and primal fusion to majorly pump something while also just gaining more totems from WD.

    Something else I’ve noticed about this deck is that I tend to use my hero power EXTREMELY often. If I’m not removing something and I just don’t think it’s time for my WD turn 4 (no spells in hand), I’ll throw a 2 or 1 drop and hero power. Using your hero power so often allows you to have card advantage VERY often: especially when you protect and buff your mana tide totems. It also brings down the cost of Thing From Below very quickly. I even consider it fast enough to keep it in your opening hand.

    So, back to card advantage. This deck has a good amount of card draw in mana tide totem, azure drake, and bloodmage thalnos. It really lets you get to the combos you need to OTK relatively easily.

    The OTK itself usually involves a good amount of agro early game, but majorly involves abusing thunderbluff or bloodlust along with sometimes flametongue. In even your worst situations you should be trying to build up your board presence with even basic totems using Witchdoctor (spell combos) and hero power. Other totems help out with the presence too. This makes your primal fusion ridiculously strong, your thunderbluff’s insight extremely dangerous, and gives you a constant possibility of using bloodlust for the win.

      To be honest there isn’t really such a thing as a bad opening hand with this deck, the only things you NEVER keep in your opening hand are Thunderbluff, Bloodlust, and Azure Drake. It really depends on the deck your playing against, use common sense. You obviously going to want to have Thalnos and board clears against zoo, just play it by ear and follow your playstyle. The only thing you’ll ever really want to change about the way you play is protecting things that are relevant and not trading extremely often if your going to bloodlust or thunder bluff, but most people probably would end up doing that anyways.

      The last piece of advice I can give is to really use your totemic might at a good time. Sometimes it might seem good to use turn 2, but you have to balance instant value when compared to long term value. It’s much better to use it with totem golem, mana tide, or many totems than to just use it on anything. Now that does become situational since it’s also good to use it to force removal if your opponent isn’t capable of trading post-buff, or to proc witchdoctor. Make them waste their resources on the things that don’t matter even though they definitely appear to.

                                                                                                             Going Second

    If your going second your definitely going to want to keep wicked witchdoctor, period. The chances of you getting a 1 cost spell are good enough by the time you get to turn 4 that you’ll just want it. The coin counts as a spell, so the coin with even one other spell is already 2 totems that spawn before the spell procs. Thankyou very much coding, primal fusion will get 2 procs from the totem since it will spawn first. It gets even better when you have totemic might in your hand as well. Witchdoctor followed by coin and totemic might, then further followed by primal fusion nets you 3 totems along with +3/+3 to anything on your board. Say hello to your new and refurbished totem, or your steroid infused 6/7 witchdoctor. That’s 3 totems and a 6/7 on turn 4 by the way, if your board is EMPTY. it gets better when you get spell power totems, have spirit claws, or even already have pre-existing totems.

                                            Good Luck Guys ^^

                                         The rest is up to you.

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