General Mulligans
A pretty standard mid range opening... definitely do not keep any of the combo pieces, as they would just be dead cards in your hand
So, I recently crafted Leeroy Jenkins, and I was trying to make a OTK Shaman deck around him. But, with my limited card collection, I was 100% failing at making a control shaman. That’s when I realized I was going about it all wrong: I could make a mid range deck with the combo pieces built in. This would allow me to grapple for the board in the early and mid game, while unleashing the powerful combo in the late game. This deck has not been well-tested yet…
The combo is Leeroy Jenkins with Windfury and Rockbiter Weapon, then Faceless Manipulator. Abusive Sergeant to get more damage.
(Emperor Thaurissan reduction on all cards involved)