Shop Update: Mini-Set, New Skins (Including Mythic Kerrigan), Signature Bundles, Tavern Tickets

Another shop update dropped today! It’s been quite a long time since the last one, but with Patch 31.4 dropping, it’s time for a pretty big update. You can buy mini-set (normal, golden, or each faction separately), as well as a bunch of new multi-class skins and Hero card bundles. I’m gonna be honest, I’m not a big fan of releasing so many multi-class skins. I always liked the fact that you can tell what class your opponent is playing at first glance, those skins make it WAY harder. And the pricing on the Signature Heroes is… well, it’s something. $100 for three cards and some Golden packs. Yeah. Anyway, here are all of the new items that are available this week:

  • Heroes of StarCraft Mini-Set (2500 Gold or $20) – A new mini-set with 49 unique cards in their normal versions. You can find a full list of cards here. Note: You can also purchase each faction (Terran, Protoss, Zerg) separately for 1200 Gold or $10.
  • Heroes of StarCraft Golden Mini-Set (12,000 Gold or $80) – A new mini-set with 49 unique cards in their Golden versions + a Diamond version of Grunty. You can find a full list of cards here.
  • Mythic Kerrigan Bundle (6000 Runestones or $60) – New Mythic Zerg (Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Hunter, Warlock) skin + 2 card packs for Zerg classes.
  • Jim Raynor Bundle (2000 Runestones or $20) – New Tier 1 Terran (Paladin, Shaman, Warrior) skin + related card back + 2 card packs for Terran classes + 2 GDB card packs.
  • Artanis Bundle (2000 Runestones or $20) – New Tier 1 Protoss (Druid, Mage, Priest, Rogue) skin + related card back + 2 card packs for Protoss classes.
  • Nova Bundle (1500 Runestones or $15) – New Tier 2 Terran (Paladin, Shaman, Warrior) skin + related card back + 2 card packs for Terran classes.
  • Signature Heroes of StarCraft Bundle (10,000 Runestones or $100) – Signature versions of Jim Raynor, Artanis and Kerrigan, Queen of Blades Hero cards + 15 Golden GDB card packs. Note: You can also purchase each Hero card separately with 5 Golden GDB card packs for $40.
  • Tavern Ticket Bundle (2000 Runestones or $20) – 11 Tavern Tickets (you can use them to start a new Arena run).
  • Tavern Ticket Mega Bundle (4000 Runestones or $40) – 25 Tavern Tickets (you can use them to start a new Arena run).

Tier 1 skins are “premium” ones while Tier 2 are more basic. In general, Tier 1 skins tend to include more extra features like completely new emotes, Hero Power animations, unique Hero tray, or some extra visual effects. Some of those might also be included in Tier 2 skins, but usually only 1 of those special features is present (if any). It’s not an official classification – it’s just something we use to differentiate between more basic and premium skins! Blizzard has a few categories of their own for the more expensive skins (Diamond, Legendary, Mythic), but they don’t differentiate between the regular skins.


A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

Check out Stonekeep on Twitter!

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