General Mulligans
You'd mulligan similar to Cycle Rogue.
- Your early goal would still be hitting turn 6 Giants with Breakdance.
- You wouldn't want Void Ray in your starting hand. You would prefer to coin blink, or Gear Shift -> Blink Turn 3 (With Photon Cannon Turn 2).
- Mauler is okay to start with (only 2 mana minion + provides chip damage), but you might also prefer to keep it at the bottom of your deck for an OTK with Asteroids
- Blink is okay if the rest of your cards are crap, or you have coin (Turn 1 use). Otherwise, wait to draw it, or fish for it with Ethereal
-- It would likely still be good to do Cycle Rogue things, like [Turn 4] Play Ethereal Oracle -> Prep & fish for Blink.
Cycle rogue variant that includes the Protoss Core
Possible replacements:
Some notes:
- Moonstone Mauler taken as another alternative win condition (making copies of it with Photographer Fizzle & Celestial Projectionist is worth testing since Blink will leave space in your deck).
- Ethereal Oracle + Asteroid + card draw will likely still be powerful as it was with Cycle Rogue, but this variant of cycle also won’t able to hit as wide on the board early game without things like Fan of Knives and Tar Slick.
- Dubious Purchase is taken over Chrono Boost. You could probably take a 1/1 split, or x2 Chrono Boost instead.
- Warp Gate is probably too slow with Rogue/this type of deck.
- Incindius is likely a better choice than Artanis in terms of reliability and winning you the game. You would probably need to win the game within the next few turns after playing Artanis for it to be viable, but you already see this with an Incindius Eruption and Asteroid combo.
- x2 Dark Templar is chosen over x2 High Templar, since you probably don’t your Templar to just be sitting on the board with a deck like this (as Archon is a possible win condition, and setting up your Templar over two turns (thanks to Dark Templar‘s Stealth) would lead to a lot of burst damage/pressure).
- Sonya Waterdancer is probably a reach (especially without being able to Shadowstep an Ethereal Oracle to turn it into a (1) cost), but double Void Ray in an early turn would be great tempo early game, and late game it works as an alternative for getting two Templar to make an Archon.