I was just playing some normal starship Hunter when I realized the deathrattles on the Biopods stack onto the starship…
For faster games, you’ll just go with the standard egg gameplan. Admittedly the deck is not great into aggressive matchups, but cheating out an early Hollow Hound with coins or cost reductions can be game-winning against wide aggressive boards.
For slower games, summon and kill as many Biopods as you can. Because the stats AND the deathrattles stack up, a starship with one Biopod does 2 damage, a starship with two does 8 damage, a starship with 3 does 18 damage, etcetera (plus, with Yelling Yodeler this damage is dished out TWICE). Remember to save a Yelling Yodeler for the turn 9 combo with the starship.