General Mulligans
Curving Out the first turns with card draw. but also trying to find the adaptive amalgam +(2x) silk stiching combo and setting the spells also to 2 neighbored minions.
Trying to find an quick early curve and drawing as fast as possible. Getting Mosh pit down to put it on Eliza. Finding a stable moment for Cubicle. And if there is a powerful moment to set amalgam+silk stitching down and spread it to powerful neighbor minions with death growl making sure to shuffle them. Selection the minions wisely also mosh pit stays on the minion, which is great on Eliza, Stone drake, Zillax or the Primus.
On the way to the lategame there are multiple insane combos. with Puppetmaster (+Taelan Fordring+moshpit) Or the Primus+Moshpit+Cubicle