Icecrown Brochure

Icecrown Brochure Card

Icecrown Brochure is a 2 Mana Cost Rare Death Knight, Shaman Spell card from the The Traveling Travel Agency set!

Card Text

Deal 3 damage to a minion andĀ FreezeĀ its neighbors. (Flips each turn.)

Flavor Text

The Icecrown ski slopes really are to die for.

Icecrown Brochure Additional Information

The card flips each turn between Icecrown Brochure and Blackrock Brochure:


Cards Relating to Icecrown Brochure

Blackrock Brochure
Type: Spell - Cost: 2
Deal 3 damage to a minion and 1 to its neighbors. (Flips each turn.)

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