I watched an old Kibler video of his Shadow Priest deck and I recently acquired Paletress. I wanted to make a deck with huge Barnes potential and all of these minions work well with Barnes and Resurrect. Spells for early removal and board clears which Thalnos can help with. Priest of the Feast and Flash Heal provide all the healing that is lost switching to Shadowform.
What I wasn’t so sure about was the draw. Thoughtsteal can help put more cards in your hand, sometimes helping with draw, sometimes adding more spells for PotF. Honestly the first couple turns are pretty passive.
Kvaldir Raider was the best fit I could come up with for an Inspire minion. It might work better with something lower cost.
Forbidden Shaping was added in to be a flexible early game or late game tool depending on how well your mulligan went.
If you can acquire it I definitely recommend Kodorider over Kvaldir Raider for potential board flood. I do like the idea of Kvaldir Raider though so I might have to use it in my deck. I definitely would not recommend using Forbidden Shaping as anything other than an 8 drop though as the potential value is just too good to waste the card at any other mana slot.