Whizbang’s Heroes Twist Updates – June 18 Health Changes

Blizzard has rolled out another Health update for Twist Heroes. It’s a pretty small one, I guess that they have reached the point when not much can be done with further HP changes.

Illidan, Nozdormu, Omu, Lich King, Zul’jin and Al’akir are each getting a small nerf (1-3 HP), while King Krush is getting +5 HP.

The current timeline for Twist Health updates is every Tuesday afternoon Pacific Time (unless something requires immediate attention, I assume). So we should expect the next round of HP tweaks on June 25.

Remember that HP adjustments are all they can do in hotfix patches – we’ll get a proper round of balance changes in a client patch (in this case Patch 29.6.2, hopefully soon).

You can check out all of the HP changes below:

June 18 Updates

We’re rolling out another wave of smaller weekly Hero Health adjustments as we get most of the Heroes into a better spot.

King Krush: 50 → 55
Illidan Stormrage: 40 → 37
Nozdormu: 32 → 30
Forest Warden Omu: 30 → 28
The Lich King: 25 → 23
Zul’jin: 30 → 28
Al’Akir the Windlord: 25 → 24

Edit: As a reminder, non-Health updates like decks, Hero Powers, and Passives will be going into our normal balance windows. The first of which is scheduled to be Patch 29.6.2.



A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

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