Even Handlock 86% WR to Legend

Class: Warlock - Format: pegasus - Type: control - Season: season-123 - Style: ladder

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Play Handlock-like: tap whenever possible.

Excavate cards are there mainly for value, keeping your hand full and consistency in ressurrecting Demons. Try to find your CTE for Sargeras (or the 1 cost spell that discovers other spells / Saloon Brewmaster for the Snake or Dirty Rat) and play it after your opponent’s Reno. Use the 3 and 5 cost modules for Zilliax.

You can finish off your opponent fast with big demons, the location and JARAXXUS or go late gate for Sargeras and/or Ignis and Snake. It’s important to keep the pressure on with the demons for CTE/Ignis safe turn.

Fanottem ins’t in the deck builder, so I put Dorian in its place. Dirty Rat is also a good option in this spot.

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  1. Luvz
    June 21, 2024 at 8:21 AM

    What do you use for ETC?

    • Luvz
      June 21, 2024 at 8:22 AM

      And Zilliax.

      • Luvz
        June 21, 2024 at 8:28 AM

        Oh I see that you put what to use for Zilliax. What does CTE mean?

        • Danbaptista - Author
          June 22, 2024 at 6:26 AM

          Sorry, CTE is ETC in Portuguese. Most important is Sargeras. Almost every game you pick it from ETC. Other option can be Sallon Brewmaster and Symphony of Sins.