Top Standard & Wild Legend Decks – Whizbang’s Workshop (Week 7) – May 2024

I skipped last week’s compilation because it was only just a few days after the patch and we still didn’t have enough decks to really share (but Old Guardian did a quick early post-patch meta roundup). This week we have tons more decks because people are trying new (and old) stuff.

To address the Brann-sized elephant in the room – Reno Warrior is by far the most talked about deck this week (in fact after some meta adjustments it probably dropped to Tier 2). Even though statistically it’s not the strongest one, it’s BY FAR the most popular deck at all ranks. And let me tell you this – that’s quite rare. Usually, we have 2-3 different decks that are #1 at different ranks (Legend, Platinum-Diamond, Bronze-Gold for example). But not this time. Reno Warrior is most popular all the way through. And it’s sitting at nearly 30% popularity at some ranks, which is crazy. It looks like it’s a playstyle people enjoy and I honestly get that. I really like that deck myself – I like Control Warrior and I like Reno decks so for me it’s a match made in heaven. But facing the same deck over and over again is annoying. Not only that, but a deck that has some frustrating gameplay patterns. It’s not fun when cards in your hand/deck are getting blown up and you can’t do anything about it. That’s why I hope that we’ll see some nerfs even though it’s my favorite deck in the current meta.

Other than Warrior, the two most common/strongest decks are definitely Small Beast (Token) Hunter and Aggro (Showdown) Paladin.  Zarimi Priest is doing quite well despite its main card getting nerfed (Timewinder Zarimi is now harder to play, true, but the deck still has lots of crazy early/mid-game tempo turns so it can afford to wait one or two more turns before getting an extra turn). Sludge Warlock and Hybrid Druid are also pretty popular and sit somewhere in Tier 2. Interestingly enough, Aggro (Shopper) Demon Hunter looks to be pretty competitive in the current meta, but it’s quite underplayed. It’s a common thing after a deck gets nerfed, but if you liked it before the 29.2 patch then you might try it out again and you should get some decent results.

The meta still hasn’t fully settled actually. Just a few days ago a new Warlock build popped up and it’s actually looking pretty good. It relies on the Fatigue package combined with Encroaching Insanity – it gets extra tempo from Baritone Imps and Crazed Conductors in the early/mid game and then can have a big combo turn with pumped Crescendos and Trogg Gemtosser in the late game. Similarly, we just had a new Rogue build based around Sonya Waterdancer. It’s a bit similar to the early expansion builds where the goal is to get multiple Sonyas on the board and then just kill the opponent with Deadly Poisons from Valeera's Gifts (that you get LOTS of copies with Sonyas). Win rate on that deck is quite low overall because it’s really difficult to play, but some high Legend players had decent success with it. Even if not now, there’s a chance that it will shine in a future meta, because the combo itself is pretty crazy (it’s just somewhat hard to stay in the game until you can play it + the combo turn is pretty easy to mess up).

There’s also a Heroic Tavern Brawl going on right now, and we have some 12 wins decks to share. I’ll also add them here because overall the Brawl meta is not that different from the regular Standard meta, so they should also work on the ladder if you want to try them out. Just a quick note is that unless you’re a Top 0.1% player I really don’t recommend playing this Brawl. Even purely statistically, an average participant will go 3-3 and that’s a net loss (you only break even at 5 wins). But if you take into account that the playing field has lots of high Legend players, pros, streamers etc. and you can be matched against all of them… getting to the break-even point (5 wins) is very difficult. Ultimately it’s your Gold (or real money) so I won’t stop you, but there are simply better ways to spend that.

But most importantly – the meta will see another big shake-up very soon. Heroic Brawliseum means one thing. Okay, two things. One is some players getting baited into losing lots of money. But the other one is the mini-set. If we follow the pattern, for the last two years mini-sets were always announced right around Heroic Brawliseum. I suspect that we’ll see the announcement next week, or the week after at the latest. The power level of Whizbang’s Workshop was pretty insane so if the mini-set is similar, well, anything can happen. Just like always, I’ll be reporting on any news and card reveals we get!

Below is a full list of the Legend decks from last week, sorted by the highest placement.

If you want to see all of the current top meta decks, go to our Hearthstone Meta Tier List post!

Hearthstone Standard Legend Decks of the Week

Heroic Tavern Brawl (Standard) 12 Wins Decks

Hearthstone Wild Legend Decks of the Week


A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

Check out Stonekeep on Twitter!

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