Twist Season 5 (February 2024) Is Now Live! “Commons” Brings Pauper Format to Hearthstone

A new season has just started, and so Twist has returned after a month of break. And finally with a completely new format, after having four months of “Wonders” formats in a row (with only small changes, or no changes at all in December).

The new format was already revealed a while ago, but now we know the official name. It’s called “Commons” and it’s basically a Hearthstone’s twist on the classic MTG “pauper” format. As the name implies, you can only put Common cards into your deck.

When it comes to available expansions, we have all sets through Year of the Dragon (so from Curse of Naxxramas to Descent of Dragons/Galakrond’s Awakening) + the current Core Set + Caverns of Time. While that’s quite a lot of expansions, the format should still be pretty low in terms of power level. Not only cards from the older expansions tend to be weaker, but limiting decks to Common cards only will also reduce the power level.

This kind of format has another unique advantage – accessibility. Previous Twist formats required players to have a massive collection of Wild cards to play it, and if they didn’t, many popular decks were quite expensive. With Commons only, even in the worst case scenario, a full deck costs only 1200 Dust. While it’s still not nothing, normal decks usually cost at least a few times as much.

We’ll give players some time to experiment with new decks and start posting them soon. In the meantime, if you’re looking for some theorycrafted decks, Old Guardian has made a video showcasing some of his creations. You can check it out here:


A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

Check out Stonekeep on Twitter!

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