- 1Taste of Chaos1
- 1Unleash Fel1
- 2Immolation Aura1
- 2Pocket Sand1
- 2Runic Adornment1
- 2Spectral Sight1
- 2Wayward Sage1
- 3Aldrachi Warblades1
- 3Sigil of Time1
- 3Snake Eyes1
- 3Tough Crowd1
- 4Fan the Hammer1
- 4Glaiveshark1
- 4Going Down Swinging1
- 4Raging Felscreamer1
- 5All Fel Breaks Loose1
- 5Gunslinger Kurtrus1
- 5Jotun, the Eternal1
- 5Remixed Rhapsody1
- 6Felscale Evoker1
- 7Argus, the Emerald Star1
- 7Mythical Terror1
- 7Xhilag of the Abyss1
- 8Illidari Inquisitor1
- 9Brutal Annihilan1