General Mulligans
Generally, try to mill for mid-cost cards like Amber Whelp and Bronze Explorer, good cards to play with tempo and synergize well with others. Amalgam can also discover the 7 cost legendary for additional play value.Aggro Mulligans
For Aggro, you will have to skip turn 1 on most occasions, but you are given plenty of tools to deal with anything and everything your opponent plays, putting them on the back foot. Keep the pace with counter plays and control the board and you should be in kill range by turn 8.
Control Mulligans
Promo-Drake can be traded for additional card draw early game, and Ysera is good closer and synergies well with Time Warden.
First time hitting legend. Dragon Paladin returns!
Pressure deck, lots of synergy with Time Warden. ‘Snapdragon’ optimally played early for maximum value. Lots of discover for extra value. Astral Serpent for card draw, plenty of board clears available.
Good VS: Thaddeus WL, Enrage Warrior, strong vs Rush decks
Countered by: Yogg Rogue