I built this deck with reading any of the meta. The highest it has gotten me in Wild ranked is gold 7.
Big Control Demon Hunter (Architeuthis)
- 1Consume Magic2
- 1Twin Slice1
- 2Chaos Strike1
- 2Immolation Aura2
- 2Netherwalker2
- 3Aldrachi Warblades1
- 3Coordinated Strike2
- 3Eye Beam2
- 3Insatiable Felhound1
- 3Satyr Overseer1
- 3Vile Call1
- 3Wrathscale Naga1
- 4Altruis the Outcast1
- 4Illidari Felblade2
- 4Kurtrus Ashfallen1
- 5Command the Illidari2
- 5Imprisoned Antaen1
- 5Wrathspike Brute2
- 6Fel Summoner1
- 6Skull of Gul’dan1
- 7Priestess of Fury2
- 8Illidari Inquisitor2
- 9Nethrandamus1
- 9Pit Commander1