General Mulligans
Only keep SECURITY!! and Spectral Sight if you're able to activate their outcast effect easily. Avoid playing Battleworn Vanguard on turn 2 if possible as it's important to activate it's effect.
E.T.C.’s band are second copies of coordinated strike, command the illidari and expendable performers.
Your main win condition is Denathrius, but if you draw him too late or not at all, aim to combine Astalor with Brann, or do some big swings with Kurtrus, or try to get bloodlust/savage roar from Zephrys on a wide board.
Zai and Zola can be useful for copying important cards like Astalor, Zephrys, Brann, Reno, Denathrius, and even E.T.C. if you need more token generation.