Hello my name is Guff
im here to help you reach legend with a fun druid deck.
Cards in ETC Band: 1. Jade idol 2. kobold sticky finger 3. steamcleaner
use mill wisely, take it slow vs aggro decks and try ramp fast get much armor, playing crypt keeper for zero mana. Using combo like poison seeds and spreading plaque to get 2 turns. Use solar eclipe only with branching paths for armor and draw or with dew process to start the mill adventure.
You can exchange floops glorious gloop for a 3 cost ramp or a second jerry rig carpenter. But i like the floop scale or plaque combo to get much mana back in a turn.
Using another jade idol from etc manager if someone burned all 1er cards.
using stickyfinger from etc to steal a rogues kingsbane or paladin weapon
using steamcleaner from etc vs another druid after he shuffled his jade idol into his deck 3 times.
I also added eater of secrets into this deck, while I met alot of secret mages or hunter just to take off 3 or more secrets at once.
Had a really good win rate with this deck and hit legend in 2 days from bronze.