Control Mulligans
Mulligan for Ramp,
Or Aquatic Form or Planted evidence to look for Ramp / Dew Process
And finally Dew Process which : Against Aggro it allows you to find removal faster and in Control matchups it allows you to start milling their card as soon as you get Clams online
This is a deck that I’ve been messing around with in Low Legend, Its pretty fun and I think with some more refinement it could be semi-viable. At time of upload I am 5 for 8.
DISCLAIMER this is just a theory craft / fun deck
I don’t have guff personally, but I’m sure he would be great
As for how I’ve been piloting the deck you play it like normal ramp druid while trying to get Dew Process played early on. After that start slamming Death Blossom Whomper and Selfish Selfish(Clam) using the location when possible and Northshire Farmer to shuffle more clams
Unending swarm is basically like 2 more copies of scale if onyxia that might be worth considering. Because I imagine you need more control tools to beat paladin.