Priest has never been good. Until maybe Karazhan. Screw Purify. After priest received Priest of the Feast , it got me thinking about how this priest could actually be good. This deck is mostly my own creation. It does pretty well against everything in the current meta except Call of the Wild, some warrior decks, and Mill Rouge.
Update (8/22): -2 ressurect, +2 Divine Spirit
This helps improve the survival of many early game cards. You can use in really well on Arcane Anomaly.
Mulligan Guide and Strategy
Arcane Anomaly Northshire Cleric Shadow Word: Pain Lightwarden are your usual mulligans cards. If you know they are playing a relitively fast deck, get Doomsayer Excavated Evil orHoly Nova . These are really helpful, and you may want to mulligan an entire hand for one.
Play Strategy
The main idea of this is to use cards like Shadow Word: Pain Shadow Word: Death and Entomb to kill their large minions, Excavated Evil Holy Nova Doomsayer or Shadow Word: Pain to kill their smaller minions. Along the way, try to use anything to chip away slowly at their health in any way possible.
In the beginning, use cards likeLightwarden Northshire ClericandArcane Anomaly to slow down their board. Use them only to go face, or make extremely favorable trades. Remove anything they have in play, its okay if you have nothing either. Don’t worry about your life total unless you have less than 15. Just stall the game until then.Darkshire Alchemist will help as a Flash Heal midgame.Priest of the Feast is really helpful when you drop below 15. Combo it with a flashheal makes it a much better Antique Healbot. Remember to hold onto a removal in case of C'Thun
Forbidden Shaping can be used to spend mana in the early game. Although, my personal preference for this is probably at 8 or 9 mana. Justicar Trueheart is best on turn ten, where you can heal once, then use the upgraded hero power.
After an amount of time, try to force the opponent to be top decking and without anything in play. They should have about 10 cards in their library. (You wont believe the effectiveness of all the removal). Afterward, play Arch-Thief Rafaam or Ragnaros the Firelord. For Arch-Thief Rafaam, be careful that they might have an Excavated Evil that you have given them. With either, you want to deal as much damage as you can, hopefully killing them soon (Maybe even from fatigue)
Not Included
- Auchenai Soulpriest: This card really didn’t with many others. I know that it and Circle of Healing work really well, and it works well as a removal with Flash Heal Darkshire Alchemist and the hero power. But in my opinion, this deck has enough removals already, and has counter synergy with Priest of the Feast and Holy Nova.
As a playing with missing many key cards myself, I understand that most players won’t have all the cards listed here.
- Forbidden Shaping : This card is just to help with the mana curve of the deck. You can subsitute with a secondExcavated Evil or a simple Thoughtsteal
- Arcane Anomaly Priest of the Feast : Both are in the first wing of Karazhan. Arcane Anomaly can be replaced with a second Lightwarden or a Loot Hoarder. Priest of the Feast is hard to lose, generating a considerable amount of healing and fitting into the 4-drop spot. You can replace them with Forbidden Shaping,Elise Starseeker or any other 4-drop.
- Excavated Evil or Entomb : You really need League of Explorers in this deck. Trust me. If you REALLY don’t, use Abomination or another removal or AOE.Entomb is fun to use on their minions for yourself.
- Justicar Trueheart : This just helps improve you hero power. You could use any (relevent) card here.
- Sylvanas Windrunner : This just messes with their tempo. You can replace this with Shadow Word: Pain , Excavated Evil, Shadow Madness or even Harrison Jones
- Ragnaros the Firelord : You don’t really need this. You can use any relevent card here, or any non-Jenkin (Because I don’t like you) finisher.
- Arch-Thief Rafaam : Once again, any relevant card. I really like this because of the power of each of Arch-Thief Rafaam ‘s choices.
- Yogg-Saron, Hope's End : The last resort RNG play. You can switch this with any relevant card.
Relevant Cards (Sorry, no links)
- Any card in this deck
- Small Minions: Loot Hoarder, Abusive Sergeant (If you want more aggro)
- Midgame/ Lategame Minions: Elise Starseeker, Alexstrasza, Harrison Jones, Ysera, Deathwing (Either one), Nafarian, Any really big minion
- Spells: Thoughtsteal, Shadow Madness, Mind Vision, Holy Smite, Holy Fire, Divine Spirit, Resurrect, Inner Fire
Combos and Synergies
They are all pretty obvious.
Priest of the Feast, Yogg-Saron, Hope's End and Arcane Anomaly + Spells. Flash Heal is best.
Lightwarden and Northshire Cleric + Healing. Duh.
Have fun.
Seems pretty nice. Tho Resurrect can fuck you up with summoning Doomsayer.
And i would like to see 2x Holy Smite.
But still nice deck, will try it out for sure !