The meta has mostly stabilized, with most of the experiments (like Thief Priest or Charge Warrior) underperforming heavily – they are kind of playable, but only if you really know what you’re doing, and even then you have to expect a significantly lower win rate than you would get with a good meta deck.
However, a meta shift is expected very soon. Mini-set will release on Tuesday (September 27), which is frankly a bit faster than I have expected. I thought about September 29 or October 4, but I guess that devs wanted to push it a bit earlier. We have just seen all of the card reveals and the mini-set looks to be pretty good. While it might not shift the balance completely, I expect some meta changes to happen – and we’ll have an article about that coming tomorrow!
That’s why there’s not much of a reason to discuss the current meta in depth – it will most likely change in less than 48 hours. Let’s just hope it’s for the better, and not for worse.
Below, you will find a full list of the Legend decks from last week, sorted by the highest placement.
If you want to see all of the current top meta decks, go to our Hearthstone Meta Tier List post!
If you’re looking for the best Wild Format decks, check out our Wild Meta Tier List!
Hearthstone Standard Legend Decks of the Week
- 1Batty Guest2
- 2Castle Kennels1
- 2Doggie Biscuit2
- 2Frenzied Fangs2
- 2K9-0tron2
- 2Selective Breeder2
- 2Spirit Poacher2
- 3Harpoon Gun2
- 3Ramming Mount2
- 3Stag Charge2
- 3Wild Spirits2
- 4Azsharan Saber1
- 5Ara’lon1
- 5Pet Collector2
- 5The Rat King1
- 6Beaststalker Tavish1
- 7Huntsman Altimor1
- 7Hydralodon1
- 7Mountain Bear2
- 9King Krush1
- 9Wing Commander Ichman1
- 0Desperate Prayer2
- 1Gift of the Naaru2
- 1Psychic Conjurer2
- 1Shard of the Naaru2
- 1The Light! It Burns!2
- 2Mysterious Visitor2
- 2Thrive in the Shadows1
- 3Cathedral of Atonement2
- 3Identity Theft2
- 3The Harvester of Envy1
- 4Drakonid Operative2
- 4Lightmaw Netherdrake2
- 4Najak Hexxen1
- 4Shadow Word: Ruin2
- 4Xyrella1
- 5Clean the Scene2
- 7Blackwater Behemoth1
- 8Murozond the Infinite1
- 8Whirlpool2
- 0Preparation2
- 0Shadowstep1
- 1Blackwater Cutlass2
- 1Door of Shadows2
- 1Gone Fishin’2
- 1SI:7 Extortion2
- 1Shattershambler2
- 2Forsaken Lieutenant2
- 2Serrated Bone Spike2
- 3Loan Shark2
- 3Shroud of Concealment2
- 3Sinstone Graveyard2
- 4Edwin, Defias Kingpin1
- 4Sketchy Information2
- 5Necrolord Draka1
- 5Snowfall Graveyard2
- 8Shadowcrafter Scabbs1
- 0Backstab2
- 0Preparation2
- 0Shadowstep2
- 1Blackwater Cutlass2
- 1Door of Shadows2
- 1Gone Fishin’2
- 1SI:7 Extortion2
- 2Maestra of the Masquerade1
- 2Serrated Bone Spike2
- 2Tooth of Nefarian2
- 2Wicked Stab (Rank 1)2
- 3Shroud of Concealment2
- 3Sinstone Graveyard2
- 4Edwin, Defias Kingpin1
- 5Necrolord Draka1
- 6Crabatoa1
- 6Wildpaw Gnoll2
- 1Batty Guest2
- 2Castle Kennels1
- 2Doggie Biscuit2
- 2Frenzied Fangs2
- 2K9-0tron2
- 2Selective Breeder2
- 2Spirit Poacher2
- 3Harpoon Gun2
- 3Ramming Mount2
- 3Stag Charge2
- 3Wild Spirits2
- 4Azsharan Saber1
- 5Ara’lon1
- 5Pet Collector2
- 5The Rat King1
- 6Beaststalker Tavish1
- 7Huntsman Altimor1
- 7Hydralodon1
- 7Mountain Bear2
- 9King Krush1
- 9Wing Commander Ichman1
- 1Batty Guest2
- 1Tracking2
- 2Doggie Biscuit2
- 2K9-0tron2
- 2Selective Breeder2
- 2Spirit Poacher2
- 3Harpoon Gun2
- 3Ramming Mount2
- 3Wild Spirits2
- 4Azsharan Saber1
- 4Stormpike Battle Ram2
- 5Ara’lon1
- 5Pet Collector2
- 5The Rat King1
- 6Beaststalker Tavish1
- 7Hydralodon1
- 7Mountain Bear2
- 9King Krush1
- 9Wing Commander Ichman1
- 1Batty Guest2
- 1Tracking2
- 2Doggie Biscuit2
- 2Frenzied Fangs2
- 2K9-0tron2
- 2Spirit Poacher2
- 3Harpoon Gun2
- 3Ramming Mount2
- 3Wild Spirits2
- 4Azsharan Saber1
- 5Ara’lon1
- 5Barak Kodobane1
- 5Pet Collector2
- 5The Rat King1
- 6Beaststalker Tavish1
- 7Huntsman Altimor1
- 7Hydralodon1
- 7Mountain Bear2
- 9King Krush1
- 9Wing Commander Ichman1
- 0Flurry (Rank 1)1
- 1Shivering Sorceress2
- 1Wildfire2
- 2Amplified Snowflurry2
- 2Frozen Touch1
- 3Arcane Intellect2
- 3Frostweave Dungeoneer2
- 3Nightcloak Sanctum2
- 3Solid Alibi2
- 4Cold Case2
- 4Commander Sivara1
- 4Deepwater Evoker2
- 4Reckless Apprentice2
- 4Varden Dawngrasp1
- 6Blizzard2
- 6Deathborne2
- 7Magister Dawngrasp1
- 7Mass Polymorph1
- 8Kel’Thuzad, the Inevitable1
- 8Mordresh Fire Eye1
- 9Rune of the Archmage2
- 0Desperate Prayer1
- 0Illuminate2
- 1Gift of the Naaru2
- 1Priestess Valishj1
- 1Serpent Wig2
- 1Shadow Word: Devour2
- 1Shard of the Naaru2
- 1The Light! It Burns!1
- 1Whispers of the Deep1
- 2Bless2
- 2Radiant Elemental2
- 2Thrive in the Shadows2
- 3Handmaiden2
- 3Identity Theft2
- 4Boon of the Ascended2
- 5Switcheroo2
- 8Power Word: Fortitude2
- 0Flurry (Rank 1)1
- 1Shivering Sorceress2
- 1Wildfire2
- 2Amplified Snowflurry2
- 2Frozen Touch1
- 3Arcane Intellect2
- 3Frostweave Dungeoneer2
- 3Nightcloak Sanctum2
- 3Solid Alibi2
- 4Cold Case2
- 4Commander Sivara1
- 4Deepwater Evoker2
- 4Reckless Apprentice2
- 4Varden Dawngrasp1
- 6Blizzard2
- 6Deathborne2
- 7Magister Dawngrasp1
- 7Mass Polymorph1
- 8Kel’Thuzad, the Inevitable1
- 8Mordresh Fire Eye1
- 9Rune of the Archmage2
- 0Flurry (Rank 1)1
- 1Shivering Sorceress2
- 1Wildfire2
- 2Amplified Snowflurry2
- 2Frozen Touch1
- 3Arcane Intellect2
- 3Frostweave Dungeoneer2
- 3Nightcloak Sanctum2
- 3Solid Alibi2
- 4Cold Case2
- 4Commander Sivara1
- 4Deepwater Evoker2
- 4Reckless Apprentice2
- 4Varden Dawngrasp1
- 6Blizzard2
- 6Deathborne2
- 7Magister Dawngrasp1
- 7Mass Polymorph1
- 8Kel’Thuzad, the Inevitable1
- 8Mordresh Fire Eye1
- 9Rune of the Archmage2
Hearthstone Wild Legend Decks of the Week
Since Wild Heroic Tavern Brawl ended just a few days ago, some of the lists posted here are from Brawliseum instead of the ladder. However, most of them are good meta decks that should work on the ladder too.
- 0Devouring Swarm1
- 0Serpentbloom1
- 1Flare1
- 1Springpaw1
- 1Tracking1
- 2Doggie Biscuit1
- 2Frenzied Fangs1
- 2Selective Breeder1
- 2Starving Buzzard1
- 3Diving Gryphon1
- 3Dreadscale1
- 3Harpoon Gun1
- 3Ramming Mount1
- 3Stitched Tracker1
- 5Ara’lon1
- 5Barak Kodobane1
- 5The Rat King1
- 6Beaststalker Tavish1
- 6Deathstalker Rexxar1
- 6Veranus1
- 6Wild Bloodstinger1
- 7Dinotamer Brann1
- 7Hydralodon1
- 1Armor Vendor1
- 1Sir Finley, Sea Guide1
- 1Trueaim Crescent1
- 2Crooked Cook1
- 2Dirty Rat1
- 2Sketchy Stranger1
- 2Zephrys the Great1
- 3Bad Luck Albatross1
- 3Brann Bronzebeard1
- 3Murloc Holmes1
- 3Prince Renathal1
- 3Rustrot Viper1
- 4Blademaster Okani1
- 5Loatheb1
- 5Spammy Arcanist1
- 6Reno Jackson1
- 6Theotar, the Mad Duke1
- 1Kabal Lackey2
- 2Ancient Mysteries2
- 2Arcane Flakmage2
- 2Arcanologist2
- 2Medivh’s Valet2
- 3Counterspell1
- 3Explosive Runes2
- 3Kirin Tor Mage2
- 3Oasis Ally1
- 3Rigged Faire Game2
- 4Chatty Bartender1
- 4Fireball2
- 4Occult Conjurer1
- 4Orion, Mansion Manager1
- 5Cloud Prince2
- 6Kabal Crystal Runner2
- 6Sayge, Seer of Darkmoon1
- 1Click-Clocker2
- 1Mecharoo2
- 1Skaterbot2
- 2Amalgam of the Deep2
- 2Annoy-o-Tron2
- 2Galvanizer2
- 2Security Automaton2
- 3SN1P-SN4P1
- 4Mechwarper2
- 5Loatheb1
- 5Wargear2
- 1Potion of Madness1
- 1Psychic Conjurer1
- 1Shadow Word: Devour1
- 1Shadowcloth Needle1
- 2Insight1
- 2Seance1
- 2Shadow Visions1
- 2Spirit Lash1
- 2Thoughtsteal1
- 2Thrive in the Shadows1
- 3Cathedral of Atonement1
- 3Devouring Plague1
- 3Identity Theft1
- 3Madame Lazul1
- 3Mindrender Illucia1
- 3Palm Reading1
- 3The Harvester of Envy1
- 4Shadow Word: Ruin1
- 5Darkbishop Benedictus1
- 5Mass Hysteria1
- 5Raza the Chained1
- 7Blackwater Behemoth1
- 7Psychic Scream1
- 7Soul Mirror1
- 8Shadowreaper Anduin1
- 1Floop’s Glorious Gloop1
- 2Breath of Dreams1
- 2Capture Coldtooth Mine1
- 2Guess the Weight1
- 2Jerry Rig Carpenter1
- 2Lunar Eclipse1
- 2Moonlit Guidance1
- 2Wild Growth1
- 3BEEEES!!!1
- 3Bogbeam1
- 3Dreaming Drake1
- 3Ferocious Howl1
- 3Jade Blossom1
- 4Branching Paths1
- 4Flobbidinous Floop1
- 4Overgrowth1
- 4Poison Seeds1
- 4Twig of the World Tree1
- 4Widowbloom Seedsman1
- 4Wing Commander Mulverick1
- 5Elise the Enlightened1
- 5Flipper Friends1
- 5Nourish1
- 5Wildheart Guff1
- 7Scale of Onyxia1
- 0Raise Dead1
- 1Sir Finley, Sea Guide1
- 2Dirty Rat1
- 2Zephrys the Great1
- 3Brann Bronzebeard1
- 3Prince Renathal1
- 3Rustrot Viper1
- 4Blademaster Okani1
- 4Hysteria1
- 4Kazakus1
- 5Gorloc Ravager1
- 5Loatheb1
- 6Battleground Battlemaster1
- 6Nerubian Unraveler1
- 6Reno Jackson1
- 6Theotar, the Mad Duke1
- 7Mutanus the Devourer1
- 10Goldshire Gnoll1
- 10Raid Boss Onyxia1
- 10Sire Denathrius1
- 12Mountain Giant1
- 22Molten Giant1