Reno Pirate
- 1Bloodsail Deckhand1
- 1Execute1
- 1N’Zoth’s First Mate1
- 1Raid the Docks1
- 1Shiver Their Timbers!1
- 1Sky Raider1
- 2Harbor Scamp1
- 2Man the Cannons1
- 2Obsidiansmith1
- 2Shield Block1
- 3Ancharrr1
- 3Bloodsail Cultist1
- 3Cargo Guard1
- 3Defias Cannoneer1
- 3Skybarge1
- 3Stormwind Freebooter1
- 4Sword Eater1
- 5Stonemaul Anchorman1
- 1Bloodsail Corsair1
- 1Patches the Pirate1
- 1Small-Time Buccaneer1
- 1Southsea Deckhand1
- 2Captain’s Parrot1
- 2Dirty Rat1
- 2Fogsail Freebooter1
- 2Parachute Brigand1
- 2Ship’s Cannon1
- 2Tuskarrrr Trawler1
- 2Zephrys the Great1
- 3Prince Renathal1
- 3Pufferfist1
- 3Southsea Captain1
- 3Zola the Gorgon1
- 4Dread Corsair1
- 4Hoard Pillager1
- 4Lorekeeper Polkelt1
- 5Loatheb1
- 6Reno Jackson1
- 6Theotar, the Mad Duke1
- 7Mr. Smite1