This deck is ambitious to say the least. To enable the combo you have to turn on Kazakusan by playing 4 dragons. Before you play Kazakusan you have to have drawn Blood Troll Sapper, Deathspeaker, and Defile. If your opponent has more than 30 health, you will need Lady Darkvein and one card capable of destroying at least one of her shades (Touch, Drain Soul, Nether Breath, Hellfire, etc). Make sure your last played shadow spell was defile so Darkvein’s shades will have defile in them. When you play Kazakusan you have to draft Wax Rager as one of the treasures. Dark Portal and Mithril Rod will have ideally reduced their cost that you may play them all on the same turn.
To deal 30 damage, play the Troll Sapper, give it immune with Deathspeaker, play the Wax Rager and play Defile. Defile will only proc 14 times, so 14 Rager deaths plus one Deathspeaker makes 30 damage from Blood Troll Sapper.
To deal more than 30 damage, play Lady Darkvein first, then continue the combo as normal. If you destroy one of Darkvein’s shades to start the combo, it will deal 64 damage (28 Ragers, 2 Shades, 1 Darkvein, 1 Deathspeaker) and if you use Defile to start the combo, it will deal 92 damage (42 Ragers, 2 Shades, 1 Darkvein, 1 Deathspeaker).
You lose if you don’t get Wax Rager.