General Mulligans
The keeps depend on the matchup but generally against aggro you want the board clears and against just about anything else you want drake and mountain giant as strong turn 4 plays. Doomsayer, shadow bolt, and coil can help in the early game as well. Reno is always a solid keep.
This is the somewhat ambitious Renolock list I came up with that focuses on countering aggro as much as it possibly could while still running the combo. The Ysera serves as a replacement for Alexstraza (which many people run to set up for combo but I find it to work poorly), which can draw 2 game winning Dreams. If you play Ysera and get Nightmare your leeroy combo can now be pulled off without needing thaurissan ticks and has a much higher reach (with ticks the full combo is 30 damage from the hand). If Ysera draws Dream you have either a sap, or a way to shadowstep reno and play him a second time. Ysera Awakens acts as another board clear against aggro and the other two dreams are just solid minions. I used run the BGH, which can be added over brann if your brave, because Blizzard has starved renolock of single target hard removal. I have tried just about every renolock list under the sun, and this list and the n’zoth list have been the top dogs. Currently my winrate with this deck is sitting around 70%.