General Mulligans
Against control, replace Dragonbane Shot with Tracking.
Tired of being run over by Aggro Demon Hunters? Try the Hunter of Demon Hunters, otherwise known as the Demon Hunter Hunting Hunter (D.H.H.H. for short).
Control the board early with fast, low cost spells while completing the quest line. The key to victory is maximizing your card draw. Not typically a strength for Hunters, the D.H.H.H. has plenty of options for drawing extra cards in Treasure Guard, Quick Shot, Tracking, Furious Howl, and Drek'Thar. Trading Rustrot Viper offers another option, and a savvy D.H.H.H. can use Dragonbane Shot as a substitute by generating additional copies with honorable kills.
Cutting Beaststalker Tavish allows for earlier and more efficient card draw. As a general rule, play higher cost cards like Piercing Shot and Aimed Shot at your earliest opportunity and save lower cost cards for later turns to set up Quick Shot and Furious Howl. Take care not to hoard Dragonbane Shot as it can interfere with card draw in later turns.
TLDR: the D.H.H.H. has many options for drawing cards but not many that are “on demand” – so it’s critical that hand size is kept to a manageable number without completely running out of resources.
Against Demon Hunters and other aggro decks, Death's Head Cultist provides enough staying power (each copy can tank 4 damage and restore an additional 4 with the deathrattle, providing 8 health at max efficiency) for the D.H.H.H. to complete the quest line and turn the game around in 1-2 turns of sustained burst damage. Objectives are to prevent the opponent from flooding the board and to avoid a large hand which can interfere with card draw when you most need it. Don’t hesitate to play Raj Naz'jan early, even if it’s just as a 2/3 body.
Against control, play minions before spells (to sneak in some chip damage before your opponent draws their removal options) and rush to complete the quest line. Don’t worry about generating additional copies of Dragonbane Shot as your opponent likely won’t provide many opportunities to do so. While generally not very useful against aggro, Raj Naz'jan can be the difference between winning and losing against control decks – prioritize when possible but not at the expense of card draw.