The deck is based around flooding the board with little 1 cost minion , and buffing them using Anchored totem or flametongue totem and then finish the opponent with bloodlust.
among that we got some midrange/value option using card like kazakus, glugg for the late game, mankrik brann ect ect
Now some interresting synergies :
amalgam of the deep on a totem from your deck or hero power will always discover the 3 same totem since there is only 3 totem in the pool :
-anchered totem which is most of the time the best option
-flametongue totem which is good but not as good as anchered
-manatide totem for card draw
irondeep trogg + anchored = 3/3 troggs
of course this is a deck we must try before saying its good so have fun using it day one 🙂