Transform both decks into random legendarys
1. Play Lorekeeper and draw your combo pieces
2. Play Protector, Grumble, Doppelgangster, Healbots, Piper, Elise, Tour Guide (in no peticular order)
3. Play 0 mana hero power (heart) and Shudderwock
4. Play Map
5. Repeat 3. till you have Golden Monkey, Bolner and 1 mana Shudderwock in hand
6. Play Togwaggle
7. Play Shudderwock, Bolner and Golden Monkey
8. If both decks aren’t transformed, play Shudderwocks till they are. You may get unlucky
Tip: Use Shudderwock as healing even after both decks are transformed, but be careful playing random battlecry minions