General Mulligans
Cat = All-round good turn 1, reborn minions usually have deathrattles
Swarmer + Raptor & Brann = Dream opening to get early Jades
Spellstone = Easy to upgrade
Aggro Mulligans
Fan & Backstab = Good damage for early aggro
Shuriken + Cat = Contest aggro with body
Control Mulligans
Cat = All-round good turn 1, reborn minions usually have deathrattles
Swarmer + Raptor & Brann = Dream opening to get early Jades
Spellstone = Easy to upgrade
Brann into Spirit = Easier for slower decks, just get the jades as soon as possible
Battlecry + Deathrattle = Battle-Rattle
Battlecries doubled with Brann, Deathrattles doubed with Baron = Win-Win for both
Jade Package = Because Jades are good. Swarmer = Deathrattle, Spirit = Battlecry, Aya = Both
Cat = Early game body + Reborn minions usually have deathrattles
Myra = Battlecry + Deathrattle