Spell Token

Class: Druid - Format: wild - Type: token - Season: season-93 - Style: theorycraft

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Midrange Mulligans

    Your ALWAYS keep is Nature Studies, Jade Blossom, and Oaken Summons.  This is a powerful 1, 2, 3 punch on curve.  Coin into Jade Blossom followed by Oaken Summons is also a very strong opening.  Never coin Oaken Summons out unless you have Archmage Vargoth in your hand, otherwise you risk Vargoth casting the coin and being removed from the board.

    If you have a successful opening with Oaken Summons, the optimal follow ups would be Arbor Up, a second Oaken Summons,  or a Wispering Woods.

    Against aggro, you may consider keeping a Beeees and/or a Lesser Jasper Spellstone in your mulligan to clear early minions and establish a beginning board.

    Finally, Moonlit Guidance is a solid keep against slower opponents.

    This deck took me to Early Legend on Dec. 4, 2021 with a starting rank of 226.



The goal of this deck is to gain board control quickly with snowball buffing.  While this is the aim, it has the capability of hanging in for the late game with combination armor gains, draw, and tempo maintenance.  Finally, you have Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate as a tide changer when winning seems out of reach.

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