DisGuy114’s Battlecry Grinder Mage (June, 2016)

Class: Mage - Format: kraken - Type: control - Season: season-27 - Style: ladder

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A Lil’ Intro

Having adored Control Magi before Standard, I thought I’d give it a go once again. With both Antique Healbot and Sludge Belcher removed, arguably the best heal and taunt for the playstyle, new cards need to fill those vital holes. Unfortunately Blizzard have blessed us with neither and thus I have created a deck which evolves around a few synergies and has an interesting playstyle to boot.

1. Board Freezes + AoE Based Cards

Like Freeze Mage this deck contains double Blizzard and double Frost Nova . The latter is usually better than the former as it allows more mana flexibility. Mind Control Tech , Cult Apothecary , Doomsayer and the greediest of Flamestrike all bathe in the glory of board freeze spells, with each one adding to the frustration of your opponent.

This is a greedy deck, be greedy.

2. Card Draw and Generation

The key to any decent deck is card draw. This deck runs double Arcane Intellect for the pure and simple drawing of cards. Any more and fatigue match-ups can be that much harder, and you’ll (hopefully) be doing that against most decks.

More important is the decks card generation abilities, with double copies and a single of Jeweled Scarab , Ethereal Conjurer and Cabalist's Tome respectively, you can generate and play up to 9 copies of Frost Nova , with each one fueling your greed evermore.

3. Battlecries

Brann Bronzebeard can pull a LOT of weight in this deck. He provides you with additional healing, card generation, Treasure Maps (I suppose? :D) and Mind Control Tech shenanigans. Playing him for tempo against an aggro deck can draw some damage, but if you have the slightest hint that you won’t be dead quickly, save him for that sweet, sweet value.

4. Big Ol’ Legendaries

Those games aren’t going to win themselves! While sheer value and Elise Starseeker are your primary control win conditions, an unanswered Ragnaros the Firelord or a Sylvanas Windrunner which fetches you immense value can usually end the multiple midrange or tempo decks with which you suffer quite badly. Not to mention Harrison Jones and Alexstrasza can outright win an unfavourable Face Shaman game, resulting in an adequate amount of salt for your opponent and a quiet giggle for you, lightly spread with the inevitable ‘Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. Amazing. Hello.’.

Give her a go and lemme know your Losses to Concedes ratio in the comments. 😀

 Cheers for reading! 😀

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  1. NA1
    November 8, 2016 at 6:03 AM

    Nice deck, trying -1 CA -1 RAG -MC +1 Prince Mal +1 Mdivhs Valet + flame caller