Lothraxion Questline for fun 23W/14L

Class: Paladin - Format: gryphon - Type: token - Season: season-89 - Style: fun

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General Mulligans

Rise to the occasion is always in your opening hand. Win condition.

First day of school is by itself a three "1 drop", while blessed goods is a two "1 drop". Quick enough to finish the quest early.

Oh my yogg : helps to setup your board.

Tour guide is tremendous after second step of the questline (pops 2 token for free) and beyond. 

Voracious reader is very interesting to refill the hand in order to complete the questline (if your hand is low) or to find conviction or Lothraxion (to finish games)

My first deck posted here. I enjoyed this questline a lot and it seemed to work pretty well against Demon hunter for now. Generally speaking this is one of the fastest questline to achieve.

It is derived from the previous questline you probably already saw (this one for instance) with few differences : 

– Lothraxion is back in the game : I founded that Lothraxion should be played with this questline. He is a often “win more” but i’m always happy to see him.

– The traveling merchant in the original version were fun but i still felt you needed more solid draw, despite the tradeable keyword. That’s why i replaced them with voracious which is tremendous in the deck. You often need to refill your hand, and they are better for that purpose in my opinion.

– i removed the x2 safety inspector, i didn’t felt confortable with them. Safety inspector works in a weird way if it’s the third card played on the last step on the questline : you play inspector, get Cariel as a reward and then,  the inspector triggers and cariel is lost in the deck. I didn’t liked it, especially when you topdeck inspector as your only last card for the questline… You can of course wait for another 1 drop, but you then lose a certain advantage from your fast questline. Works better without the Inspector in my opinion and the deck has enough 1 drops to complete the questline anyways. 

– broomsticks were added because they are still of a certain use even after you complete the questline and played cariel to clear board.

I have been playing it (around Legend 8000) over 37 games and recorded 23 W / 14 L, with a special 9-0 against Illidan combo questline.

To be honnest, the record against Illidan bears the winrate by itself, i don’t think the deck usual winrate should be that high. The deck suffers from  Shaman and probably paladin as well depending on setups. 

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