General Mulligans
Quest is obvious. The others are just about drawing more from y
seen other lists that made some choices I thought were odd so slapped together my own.
1 card that hasn’t show up in other lists is Tour Guide which I found confusing. After the upgraded hero power from Rise to the Occasion, it is insane and only gets better after quest completion and Lothraxion the Redeemed.
Wandmaker also has not been making the cut and instead people run things like Pandaren Importer but I feel Wandmaker is just better for the questline.
Animated Broomstick also hasn’t been in any lists I’ve seen thus far despite being a great 1 drop and good value in the later game.
Kazakus, Golem Shaper was not a card I originally planned to add but after making the main body of the deck, it already had 0 4 drops so it made sense to me plus you can create a 1 mana golem for quest progress too.
Lady Prestor allows you to turn your 1 drops into dragons which can help in the late game when your guys are all buffed and the 1 drops are less useful.
Cards that didn’t make my list that might be good: Cornelius Roame for draw late. Pen Flinger for quest progress and removal (just didn’t feel like the deck had enough spells to bring him back to the hand).