Spells on spells on spells!! This deck has a tremendous amount of versatility because of its unique ability to build up a board at the same time clear your opponents. It’s powerful Token minions such as Violet Teacher and Illidan Stormrage provide a unique ability to build while breaking. Bigger Cards like Rhonin and Sylvannas Windrunner are used to control the board in the later stages of the game before the light show.
First Rhonin, the big man has gotta come first!! Make sure you don’t have too many cards in your hand those Arcane Missles are gold. Then, Emperor Thaurissan, reduce those Missles to 0 so when Malygos comes you can hit him for a total of 27 Damage. The Leader of the Deck is Archmage Antonidas, Love him, respect him, protect him, he’ll will lead you to victory. Set him up behind Mirrors, Pair him with a proxy of missiles, this guy will tie you to the promise land.
No AOE? Does that work?