This Deck combines the Effects of Leeroy Jenkins, Hungry Dragon, Knife Juggler , Unleash the Hounds, Mind Control Tech, Call of the Wild, Sea Giant, and Volcanic Drake to keep up constant Pressure and turns Hungry Dragon ‘s and Leeroy Jenkins downsite into an advantage. It not only completely stops Aggro but profits from a full board, clears low health minions without any Problem, brings a fresh breeze into the Ladder and is capable of dealing tons of Damage in the Lategame. Cards like Unleash the Hounds, Snake Trap and Freezing Trap will make common Control Cards like Sylvanas Windrunner look very old.Savannah Highmane and ‘Infested Wolf are hard to deal with and ensure constant Board Presence. To Remove Minions with a big Body use Freezing Trap, Kill Command, Sea Giant, Mind Control Tech in combination with Hungry Dragon or Leeroy Jenkins . They Shouldn’t be The Problem though because many of your cards don’t have a tough time removing Health. The main Difficulty while playing with this Deck is learning how to set up it’s great combo’s and how to make the most use out of them, seeing when there’s an opportunity to play game winning combos, to know when to go face and when you absolutely have to trade in and forcing your opponent into situations where he has to make low value plays or wastes time clearing your very sticky board because of high pressure. The downside of this deck is that it doesn’t have much card draw so use Cult Master wisely. Use Alextrasza to set up a potential Lethal next turn or heal for a little bit if you somehow took too much damage. You can try to play Yogg-Saron, Hope's End to finish your opponent up. Most of the time he will let you draw enough cards to be able to get lethal with Leeroy Jenkins + Kill Command + Hero Power / Call of the Wild + Hero Power / Animal Companion + Kill Command