General Mulligans
Don't keep Hand of A'dal when you don't have a 1 drop to go along with it. Don't worry about throwing it away, Knight of Anointment picks it up 50% of the time when you play him.
Only keep Oh My Yogg! In the Mage and Rogue Matchups and only if they go first. In other cases it can be a bit risky and should be tossed for better options.
The main idea of the deck was to create something that counters the popular meta decks. The idea is to work your way through the early game through the use of paladins great earlygame options and then, depending on the matchup swap into an aggressive, midrange or controll style of play.
Mulligan: The mulligan is quite simple. In almost every matchup you want to get as many of the onedrops as you can (this includes First Day of School) and a hand of a A’dal.Watchpost or Redscale Dragontamer are also good keeps.
Against aggro decks such as Hunter and Rogue you have great options for healing and stalling in Snack Run, Libram of Hope, Alextraza and Libram of Judgement. Play towards the earlygame and you should outtempo them and then just beat them in the midgame with superior midgame options.
In the Warlock meta you apply the standard preassure in the early game (with an emphasise on builduing tall boards, that being said don’t play around boardclears, aggro is #1 prioroty in this matchup) and then proceed to end out the game through the use of Hammer of the Naaru aswell as Alextraza and Libram of Judgement. Between the preassure, the weapons and the burst you should see Warlocks falling very reliably before turn 10 ever rolls around
The deck is great at dealing with them, through the healing and powerfull aggro + midrange into the suprisingly effective lategame with Malygos and Alex the games generally go very well and so far in my experience end this is one of the easier matchups. Focus in mulligan should be to find Oh My Yogg and play it on turn 1. If you snipe a Deck of Lunacy or an Incanters Flow it will really help with the matchup
PS: If you wanna make adjustments I suggest cutting Yogg + a scorpid for 1 Hammer of the Naaru and 1 Oh My Yogg as theese are staples in the deck and Yogg-Saron is really just there because sometimes against Warlock or Warrior it just feels good to always have at least the possibility to win a game where you had poor earlygame (Okey I might just be playing him for a couple of memes, have literally not gotten to play him once in all my games but hey I love the guy and I am quite honestly sick of the polerisation in the metagame and want a bit of fun back in Hearthstone)