New C´tun deck with 65 % winrate at legnd rank 5000 – 8000.
Deck is perfect.
You can draw cards pretty crazy fast and you get c´tun ready really really fast (with normal draw rng at turn 9 – 12), with that much card draw and cards like stowaway and sek`zara you can use c´tun at turn 14 – 16. Moreover you can shadowstep c´tun against opponents with more than 30 health on board and himself.
Moreover you have also a good temp play with paraoh, evil, wand thief, bamboozle (!) and so on.
The golden minion in this deck is sparkjoy cheat, the reason why this deck has 6 instead of 4 secrets.
Edwin an Questing is not needed here.
What is the general mulligan?