General Mulligans
you want the early game tempo. These cards are literally free value. Its called play a card get a card. Nobody can out tempo turn one skewl, turn 2 redscale, turn 3 bronze explorer. and if they do you still have cards in hand.
-don't mulligan for twilight but if its in ur hand keep it. it basically guarantees that you can catch up on turn 4. this card allows you to hoard value and smack down a dumb zoo board. or force removal from a control deck. twilight drake just enables greed. and you'll probably draw into free value while ur holding it.
This is a flexible and very cheap mid-range deck perfect for the budget player.
– this deck has lot’s of heal so its perfect to annoy pesky demon hunters.
– The rarest rarity is rare, so not having enough dust is also rare.
– Blistering rot is surprisingly versatile. 3-4 rot is just as good as 1-2 rot or 5-6/7-8 rot. The rot can gain tempo, the rot can get taunt, the rot can be too big for dumb mage to kill gud on turn 8. Rot will rot ur opponents brain
– If you cant get a minion early just hero power 4-head, paladin is the perfect class to supplement this no early game minions greed. Try not to be greedy though we all now god rot is tempting but sometimes it just isn’t the play.
– so many big dragons to jebait dumb players so you can slam the pharoah’s rot and they have no answer.
Ur opponents be like NO i used 3 cards to kill ur turn four 4-7 twilight drake. this mother fucker even played a bronze explorer and call to adventure before hand. How will I kill the 2 5-6 rots!