Elemental Explosion

Class: Mage - Format: wild - Season: season-82

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General Mulligans

Violet Spellwing : good 1-drop, means you can acquire a control spell from turn 1.

Learn Draconic : A turn 1 sidequest is the best you can hope for in an opening hand.

Shimmering Tempest : decent turn two drop to gain a Spell.

Trick Totem : gives you the possibility to cause havoc with early game end-of-turn spells which could work in your favour.

Confection Cyclone : a good 2-mana minion that feeds those precious elementals into your hand.

The aim of this deck is to play a lot of elementals in a single turn (like the 1/2 ones you get from Confection Cyclone) to then ultimately play Grand Finale on the next turn to summon as many 8/8’s as possible.

This deck has some control like Ray of Frost and Frost Nova but it’s important you keep relative control of the board (by playing minions like Gyreworm, Fireball and Polymorph) as you may get overrun by minions if you’re not careful. 

Leyline Manipulator is a great play to lower your 1/2 elementals acquired from Confection Cyclone to 0 mana, especially if you have loaded your hand up with them.

This deck also runs Ring Toss just to get a few Secrets into play (they’re always useful). Don’t worry if you haven’t got Jandice Barov (the only Legendary in this deck). She can easily be replaced by a second Leyline Manipulator, Steward of Scrolls or any other 4-5 cost elemental.

I hope you have as much fun with this deck as I do,

Love, Alexecado πŸ™‚

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