Midrange owl hunter

Class: Hunter - Format: kraken - Type: midrange - Season: season-26 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

If you have coin always play it on the turn when you have two minions of the same minion cost. Plus if you have King's Elekk and huge toad in hand always play King's Elekk

Midrange Mulligans

You always want to be playing these cards when ever you can! But if you seen a better play go for it.

Combo Mulligans

Really strong combo to trade with or to go for lethal!

Control Mulligans

These are your removal cards. It doesn't matter if you don't get the extra effect from Quick shot as long as you're removing threats from the board! Same with Eaglehorn and Kill command. But if you can go for it!

This is one the strongest decks I’ve played on ladder since the release of WOTG. I’m currently 20-3 with this beastly deck, Also I’m rank 3 on my way to legend. This deck annihilates Zoo,aggro shamen,midrange shamen, Patron warrior and miracle rouge. But may struggle against decks like Reno warlock and Control N’goth paladin. The best thing about this deck it’s cheap to make and beats lots of top meta decks!

Carrion Grub is a great card to trade with and target for Houndmaster! Also it’s hard to remove since it’s a 2/5 minion and you could potentially get a kill command to remove a minion off the board like Darkshire Councilman.

Freezing Trap is Amazing against aggro shamen! Because when they play Flamewreathed Faceless you can simply use Kill Command Eaglehorn Bow Quick Shot to clear the rest of their minion with attack.  

Call of the Wild is really what makes this deck so good! Since you get so much value from it and can setup for lethal.

I think the rest is self-explanatory, If you have any questions I’m more that happy to answer them ๐Ÿ™‚ Just remember to hit that plus sign ๐Ÿ˜€  

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