General Mulligans
Another version of Big Shaman, but it is 50% win, the problem with this deck is that it is SLOW, you usually do one action per turn and maybe with luck do another! Opponent decks that are quick to summon many minions to the field are "predators" for this deck, however I have placed two types of cards to remove these minions from the field: 1) Maelstrom Portal and 2) Maelstrom Portal. He's not my current top deck, but two months ago, he was very immoral, I was ashamed to play with him! He destroyed everything and everyone! It was too strong! It was broken!
Another version of Big Shaman, but it is 50% win, the problem with this deck is that it is SLOW, you usually do one action per turn and maybe with luck do another! Opponent decks that are quick to summon many minions to the field are “predators” for this deck, however I have placed two types of cards to remove these minions from the field: 1) Maelstrom Portal and 2) Maelstrom Portal. He’s not my current top deck, but two months ago, he was very immoral, I was ashamed to play with him! He destroyed everything and everyone! It was too strong! It was broken!