Misery Shaman
- 1Corrupt the Waters1
- 1Devolving Missiles1
- 2Ancestral Knowledge1
- 2Devolve1
- 2Diligent Notetaker1
- 2Sandstorm Elemental1
- 3Hex1
- 3Lightning Storm1
- 3Plague of Murlocs1
- 5Volcano1
- 6Grumble, Worldshaker1
- 6Krag’wa, the Frog1
- 9Shudderwock1
- 1Glacial Shard1
- 1Infectious Sporeling1
- 1Sir Finley Mrrgglton1
- 1Tour Guide1
- 2Grizzled Wizard1
- 2Questing Explorer1
- 2Zephrys the Great1
- 3Gluttonous Ooze1
- 3Terrorguard Escapee1
- 3Zola the Gorgon1
- 4Eater of Secrets1
- 4Lorekeeper Polkelt1
- 4Sandbinder1
- 4Witchwood Piper1
- 5Boompistol Bully1
- 5Doppelgangster1
- 5Loatheb1