Aggro Gibberling Swarm Druid

Class: Druid - Format: wild - Type: aggro - Season: season-77

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Aggro Mulligans

Taking control of the board early is the key to winning aggressive matchups with this deck. Mulligan for cards that will give you the ability to make a large board quickly while tossing cards like Initiate and Adorable Infestation that do not help in effectively trading with enemy minions. One-cost pirates (excluding Patches), Embiggen, and Mark of the Lotus are a definite keep against other aggressive decks, while Gibberling should typically only be kept when you have the coin or multiple low cost buff and mana gaining spells.

The goal of this hyper-aggressive druid deck is to swarm the board early with extremely high tempo plays. The pirate package allows for multiple bodies to be put into play at once, leading to huge, wide boards that are very often impossible for your opponents to clear. Gibberling adds a huge amount of high roll potential to the deck, especially when utilizing the coin and lightning blooms.

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