Dragon Evolution

Class: Shaman - Format: kraken - Type: combo - Season: season-26 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

These are just solid starting cards, plus get a dragon to activate your combos.

Combo Mulligans

Get Evolve and one of the two dragons for a guaranteed combo, if you can. These are to help finish the game.

Starting the Game

You actually don’t need to mulligan for any low cost cards besides at least one Lightning Bolt or Forked Lightning or Earth Shock. Instead, you want to preserve your hand by using your hero power to summon totems, buffing your Midnight Drake and Twilight Drake while decreasing the cost of Thing from Below. Most of the early-game will just be spent on counters and slight beat-down. If you get a full board of good minions, use Evolve, but only if you’re sure the board won’t be cleared or you won’t need it with Onyxia or Deathwing, Dragonlord

Specific cards and why they’re amazing (or not)

Thing from Below  is great for preserving yourself into late game, and it acts as a six cost minion for amazing synergy with EvolveOnyxia and Deathwing, Dragonlord can both help to fill a board for an EvolveBloodlust can be used as well to seriously cash in on a full board as an alternative to EvolveScaled Nightmare should be played behind a taunt, mainly to drive your opponent insane with fear. Most of the other cards are either for general removal or to keep you alive until you can combo. Charged Hammer, however, is definitely one of the most powerful cards in this deck. Primarily you’re trying to hold onto your cards, so the improved hero power gives an insane chance to preserve your cards while still equaling any enemy hero power (plus a 2/4 weapon can kill a lot of minions.

Dealing With Other Decks

Face hunter hasn’t been a challenge for me so far, simply because of the amazing removal this deck packs alongside Healing Wave. If the’re running a C’thun, you should either keep a Deathwing  or a Hex in your hand. Lightning Storm is for dealing with any deathrattle decks you end up facing, so keep one on for later. Many of my games, however, after we’re both at low health and our win-condition combos are over. This deck has a crazy-strong topdeck game with a deal two damage hero power, a full arsenal of either strong summoning or damaging spells, and a mass of 4+ cost minions. Plus Deathwing field clear.


The only ones that really pop to mind are Deathwing for Yogg-Saron, Scaled Nightmare for a different scary six cost (something they’ll feel they NEED to kill), and Charged Hammer for Justicar Trueheart.

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