Top Standard Legend Decks From Ashes of Outland – Week 13 – July 2020

Another week with no meta changes whatsoever. However, we’ve also learned that Blizzard is planning another balance update before the next expansion, which really surprised me. Given that it’s the expansion announcement & reveal season soon, I’d imagine that they want to push it out before that – maybe next week? We don’t know any specifics, the only thing that Iksar has said is that they want to address Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron coming out too early (so probably with Dragoncaster) – the card is balanced around costing 10 mana, so getting it out on Turn 6 can lead to some unfun games. I’m wondering whether they will make any other changes, because let’s be honest – Highlander Mage & Big Spell Mage are not exactly the most dominating decks (Highlander build is good, yeah, but I don’t believe it’s particularly problematic). I wonder if those changes aren’t meant to work well with the upcoming expansion – like, some cards might get adjusted to not be too strong when combined with cards that will be out in a ~month. I hope that we’ll learn more about the patch soon – then we will be able to judge whether it will make an impact on the meta.

As for the meta… yeah, you’ve guessed right – not much has changed. There’s some more Priest experimentation started by NoHandsGamer, with his so-called “Cube Priest” (it’s a reference to Carnivorous Cube, because Grave Rune has a similar effect). So far it reports a lower win rate than regular Galakrond Priest, but maybe it’s because people still need time to adjust to the gameplay. Other than that, the meta didn’t really change.

Below, you will find a full list of the Legend decks from last week, sorted by the highest placement.

If you want to see all of the current top meta decks, go to our Hearthstone Meta Tier List post!

If you’re looking for the best Wild Format decks, check out our Wild Meta Tier List!

Hearthstone Legend Decks of the Week


A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

Check out Stonekeep on Twitter!

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