35 Legendary Deck
- 1Untapped Potential1
- 3Archspore Msshi’fn1
- 3Wardruid Loti1
- 4Flobbidinous Floop1
- 4Twig of the World Tree1
- 5Elise the Enlightened1
- 7Malfurion the Pestilent1
- 9Aviana1
- 10Kun the Forgotten King1
- 2Prince Keleseth1
- 3Brightwing1
- 3SN1P-SN4P1
- 4Elise Starseeker1
- 4Maiev Shadowsong1
- 4The Darkness1
- 5Barista Lynchen1
- 5Barnes1
- 5Emperor Thaurissan1
- 5Harrison Jones1
- 5Leeroy Jenkins1
- 5Loatheb1
- 5Prince Malchezaar1
- 5Zilliax1
- 6Reno Jackson1
- 8Archivist Elysiana1
- 8The Lich King1
- 9Alexstrasza1
- 9Dragonqueen Alexstrasza1
- 9Ysera1
- 10Y’Shaarj, Rage Unbound1