General Mulligans
ALWAYS look for Risky Skipper. This card is THAT essential to our deck. It works so well for board clear and with battle rage for card draws. You could even build armor coupled with armorsmith, amazing card, always KEEP!
Even without Acolyte of Pain, this deck can hold its own due to its unstoppable burst damage potential and very creative board clears. The card draw system with battle rage and Galakrond itself is amazing but need some preliminary set up, so hold on to your key cards such as risky skipper!
Also, Gromm just because he’s Gromm. Look at him!
Kargath Bladefist is in no ways essential to the deck, but I got him for free so I’m using it ð Not too impactful in actual gameplay I would say, so don’t craft him just yet if you have other cards missing.