This deck plays cheap minions since this deck will need minions on the board to play buff spells such as Libram of Wisdom and Hand of A'dal. A buffed Brazen Zealot proves a major threat with high snowball potential, while Imprisoned Sungill can get to a board and not be removed before being buffed to the Dormant mechanic.
It has some more sticky minions in the form of Micro Mummy and Shotbot who should prove very good targets for the buff spells. These are discounted with the Libram package, which includes so many Paladin cards that it’s probably worth running a pure Paladin build to take advantage of Lightforged Zealot and Lightforged Crusader.
Decks with buffs can be extremely fast, as we saw how that worked with the Magnetic mechanic with previous archetype Mech Paladin. This however generates some value with cards such as Lady Liadrim, so it’s slower in order to pack a bigger punch. Depending on how the meta shapes up, this deck might need to be faster to be viable, but this is one of the approaches to the deck I’m most excited about.