Hit Legend rank today! During the climb from 5-Legend, most of the decks I encountered were Embiggen Druid, Galakrond Rogue, Galakrond Aggro Warrior, Quest Priest, various Face Hunter builds, and then a few Highlander Rogues and Mages. This deck had strong matchups with all of them – comparatively weaker against Quest Priest and Embiggen Druid, but I had a lot of success mulliganing hard for a solid Turn 1 drop with Frenzied Felwing, and going face + hero power on T2, then playing Frenzied Felwing for free (ideally both copies).
Also hardly anyone on the ladder from 5-Legend ran any weapon removal, making an infinite Stormhammer very difficult to answer.
All for only 6000-odd Dust! May your arrows always land true, and may you never triumphantly play Leeroy for lethal when the enemy has Knife Juggler on the board 😉