Full Dust Refunds For Cards Nerfed In Last Patch (16.0.8) Available Until Tomorrow (January 23)

Descent of Dragons second nerf patch (16.0.8) happened nearly two weeks ago, very quickly after the first nerf patch which turned out to be insufficient. Also known as “Galakrond nerf patch”, since it mostly focused on different Galakrond decks. In fact, the only Galakrond deck that dodged the nerfs (besides Galakrond Priest, we don’t talk about it) was Rogue. Sure, Necrium Apothecary was one of the nerfs, but players have quickly adapted, cut it from the list and it didn’t affect Galakrond himself or the synergies. Ever since the patch, it’s the #1 deck on the ladder, although things might change soon since Week 1 of Galakrond’s Awakening launched yesterday with 11 cards, and we’ll get 24 more over the next 3 weeks.

Because of the balance update, seven cards that were affected got a full Dust refund, which means that you can disenchant them for their crafting cost:

As you can see, it was a huge nerf patch with many cards nerfed. If you had a Normal playset of all of them (1 copy of Legendaries and 2 copies of non-Legendaries), you can get 5760 Dust for disenchanting all of them. Even more if you have some Golden copies!

This full Dust refund only lasts for 2 weeks after the patch, so until TOMORROW (January 23). If you still haven’t dusted one of them but you want to, remember to do it quickly!

I would recommend disenchanting all of those cards unless you’re playing them RIGHT NOW. Especially if you have a Golden version of one of them – for example, Golden Common card is 400 Dust, so enough to craft an Epic (and who wouldn’t like to trade their Commons to Epics 1:1). Even if a card might still be good, but you aren’t playing it anyway (e.g. Ancharrr – it’s still good, but you might not be playing Pirate Warrior), there’s no point in keeping it around – you can just craft it again for the same amount of Dust if you will want to play in the future (and if you won’t, you just got extra Dust for free).


A Hearthstone player and writer from Poland, Stonekeep has been in a love-hate relationship with Hearthstone since Closed Beta. Over that time, he has achieved many high Legend climbs and infinite Arena runs. He's the current admin of Hearthstone Top Decks.

Check out Stonekeep on Twitter!

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